/* * # Semantic - Menu * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2015 Contributor * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ /******************************* Theme *******************************/ @type : 'collection'; @element : 'menu'; @import (multiple) '../../theme.config'; /******************************* Standard *******************************/ /*-------------- Menu ---------------*/ .ui.menu { display: flex; margin: @margin; font-family: @fontFamily; background: @background; font-weight: @fontWeight; border: @border; box-shadow: @boxShadow; border-radius: @borderRadius; min-height: @minHeight; } .ui.menu:after { content: ''; display: block; height: 0px; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .ui.menu:first-child { margin-top: 0rem; } .ui.menu:last-child { margin-bottom: 0rem; } /*-------------- Sub-Menu ---------------*/ .ui.menu .menu { margin: 0em; } .ui.menu:not(.vertical) > .menu { display: flex; } /*-------------- Item ---------------*/ .ui.menu:not(.vertical) .item { display: flex; align-items: center; } .ui.menu .item { position: relative; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 1; text-decoration: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; flex: 0 0 auto; user-select: none; background: @itemBackground; padding: @itemVerticalPadding @itemHorizontalPadding; text-transform: @itemTextTransform; color: @itemTextColor; font-weight: @itemFontWeight; transition: @itemTransition; } .ui.menu > .item:first-child { border-radius: @borderRadius 0px 0px @borderRadius; } /* Border */ .ui.menu .item:before { position: absolute; content: ''; top: 0%; right: 0px; height: 100%; width: @dividerSize; background: @dividerBackground; } /*-------------- Text Content ---------------*/ .ui.menu .text.item > *, .ui.menu .item > a:not(.ui), .ui.menu .item > p:only-child { user-select: text; line-height: @textLineHeight; } .ui.menu .item > p:first-child { margin-top: 0; } .ui.menu .item > p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } /*-------------- Icons ---------------*/ .ui.menu .item > i.icon { opacity: @iconOpacity; float: @iconFloat; margin: @iconMargin; } /*-------------- Button ---------------*/ .ui.menu:not(.vertical) .item > .button { position: relative; top: @buttonOffset; margin: @buttonMargin; padding-bottom: @buttonVerticalPadding; padding-top: @buttonVerticalPadding; font-size: @buttonSize; } /*---------------- Grid / Container -----------------*/ .ui.menu > .grid, .ui.menu > .container { display: flex; align-items: inherit; flex-direction: inherit; } /*-------------- Inputs ---------------*/ .ui.menu .item > .input { width: 100%; } .ui.menu:not(.vertical) .item > .input { position: relative; top: @inputOffset; margin: @inputVerticalMargin 0em; } .ui.menu .item > .input input { font-size: @inputSize; padding-top: @inputVerticalPadding; padding-bottom: @inputVerticalPadding; } /*-------------- Header ---------------*/ .ui.menu .header.item, .ui.vertical.menu .header.item { margin: 0em; background: @headerBackground; text-transform: @headerTextTransform; font-weight: @headerWeight; } .ui.vertical.menu .item > .header:not(.ui) { margin: @verticalHeaderMargin; font-size: @verticalHeaderFontSize; font-weight: @verticalHeaderFontWeight; } /*-------------- Dropdowns ---------------*/ /* Dropdown Icon */ .ui.menu .item > i.dropdown.icon { padding: 0em; float: @dropdownIconFloat; margin: 0em 0em 0em @dropdownIconDistance; } /* Menu */ .ui.menu .dropdown.item .menu { min-width: calc(100% - 1px); border-radius: 0em 0em @dropdownMenuBorderRadius @dropdownMenuBorderRadius; background: @dropdownBackground; margin: @dropdownMenuDistance 0px 0px; box-shadow: @dropdownMenuBoxShadow; flex-direction: column !important; } /* Menu Items */ .ui.menu .ui.dropdown .menu > .item { margin: 0; text-align: left; font-size: @dropdownItemFontSize !important; padding: @dropdownItemPadding !important; background: @dropdownItemBackground !important; color: @dropdownItemColor !important; text-transform: @dropdownItemTextTransform !important; font-weight: @dropdownItemFontWeight !important; box-shadow: @dropdownItemBoxShadow !important; transition: @dropdownItemTransition !important; } .ui.menu .ui.dropdown .menu > .item:hover { background: @dropdownHoveredItemBackground !important; color: @dropdownHoveredItemColor !important; } .ui.menu .ui.dropdown .menu > .selected.item { background: @dropdownSelectedItemBackground !important; color: @dropdownSelectedItemColor !important; } .ui.menu .ui.dropdown .menu > .active.item { background: @dropdownActiveItemBackground !important; font-weight: @dropdownActiveItemFontWeight !important; color: @dropdownActiveItemColor !important; } .ui.menu .ui.dropdown.item .menu .item:not(.filtered) { display: block; } .ui.menu .ui.dropdown .menu > .item .icon:not(.dropdown) { display: inline-block; font-size: @dropdownItemIconFontSize !important; float: @dropdownItemIconFloat; margin: @dropdownItemIconMargin !important; } /* Secondary */ .ui.secondary.menu .dropdown.item > .menu, .ui.text.menu .dropdown.item > .menu { border-radius: @dropdownMenuBorderRadius; margin-top: @secondaryDropdownMenuDistance; } /* Pointing */ .ui.menu .pointing.dropdown.item .menu { margin-top: @pointingDropdownMenuDistance; } /* Inverted */ .ui.inverted.menu .search.dropdown.item > .search, .ui.inverted.menu .search.dropdown.item > .text { color: @invertedSelectionDropdownColor; } /* Vertical */ .ui.vertical.menu .dropdown.item > .icon { float: right; content: "\f0da"; margin-left: 1em; } .ui.vertical.menu .dropdown.item .menu { left: 100%; min-width: 0; margin: 0em 0em 0em @dropdownMenuDistance; box-shadow: @dropdownVerticalMenuBoxShadow; border-radius: 0em @dropdownMenuBorderRadius @dropdownMenuBorderRadius @dropdownMenuBorderRadius; } .ui.vertical.menu .dropdown.item.upward .menu { bottom: 0; } .ui.vertical.menu .dropdown.item:not(.upward) .menu { top: 0; } .ui.vertical.menu .active.dropdown.item { border-top-right-radius: 0em; border-bottom-right-radius: 0em; } .ui.vertical.menu .dropdown.active.item { box-shadow: none; } /* Evenly Divided */ .ui.item.menu .dropdown .menu .item { width: 100%; } /*-------------- Labels ---------------*/ .ui.menu .item > .label { background: @labelBackground; color: @labelTextColor; margin-left: @labelTextMargin; padding: @labelVerticalPadding @labelHorizontalPadding; } .ui.vertical.menu .item > .label { background: @labelBackground; color: @labelTextColor; margin-top: @labelOffset; margin-bottom: @labelOffset; padding: @labelVerticalPadding @labelHorizontalPadding; } .ui.menu .item > .floating.label { padding: @labelVerticalPadding @labelHorizontalPadding; } /*-------------- Images ---------------*/ .ui.menu .item > img:not(.ui) { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin: @imageMargin; width: @imageWidth; } .ui.vertical.menu .item > img:not(.ui):only-child { display: block; max-width: 100%; width: @verticalImageWidth; } /******************************* Coupling *******************************/ /*-------------- List ---------------*/ /* Menu divider shouldnt apply */ .ui.menu .list .item:before { background: none !important; } /*-------------- Sidebar ---------------*/ /* Show vertical dividers below last */ .ui.vertical.sidebar.menu > .item:first-child:before { display: block !important; } .ui.vertical.sidebar.menu > .item::before { top: auto; bottom: 0px; } /*-------------- Container ---------------*/ @media only screen and (max-width: @largestMobileScreen) { .ui.menu > .ui.container { width: 100% !important; margin-left: 0em !important; margin-right: 0em !important; } } @media only screen and (min-width: @tabletBreakpoint) { .ui.menu:not(.secondary):not(.text):not(.tabular):not(.borderless) > .container > .item:not(.right):not(.borderless):first-child { border-left: @dividerSize solid @dividerBackground; } } /******************************* States *******************************/ /*-------------- Hover ---------------*/ .ui.link.menu .item:hover, .ui.menu .dropdown.item:hover, .ui.menu .link.item:hover, .ui.menu a.item:hover { cursor: pointer; background: @hoverItemBackground; color: @hoverItemTextColor; } /*-------------- Pressed ---------------*/ .ui.link.menu .item:active, .ui.menu .link.item:active, .ui.menu a.item:active { background: @pressedItemBackground; color: @pressedItemTextColor; } /*-------------- Active ---------------*/ .ui.menu .active.item { background: @activeItemBackground; color: @activeItemTextColor; font-weight: @activeItemFontWeight; box-shadow: @activeItemBoxShadow; } .ui.menu .active.item > i.icon { opacity: @activeIconOpacity; } /*-------------- Active Hover ---------------*/ .ui.menu .active.item:hover, .ui.vertical.menu .active.item:hover { background-color: @activeHoverItemBackground; color: @activeHoverItemColor; } /*-------------- Disabled ---------------*/ .ui.menu .item.disabled, .ui.menu .item.disabled:hover { cursor: default !important; background-color: transparent !important; color: @disabledTextColor !important; } /******************************* Types *******************************/ /*------------------ Floated Menu / Item -------------------*/ /* Left Floated */ .ui.menu:not(.vertical) .left.item, .ui.menu:not(.vertical) :not(.dropdown) > .left.menu { display: flex; margin-right: auto !important; } /* Right Floated */ .ui.menu:not(.vertical) .right.item, .ui.menu:not(.vertical) .right.menu { display: flex; margin-left: auto !important; } /* Swapped Borders */ .ui.menu .right.item::before, .ui.menu .right.menu > .item::before { right: auto; left: 0; } /*-------------- Vertical ---------------*/ .ui.vertical.menu { display: block; flex-direction: column; background: @verticalBackground; box-shadow: @verticalBoxShadow; } /*--- Item ---*/ .ui.vertical.menu .item { display: block; background: @verticalItemBackground; border-top: none; border-right: none; } .ui.vertical.menu > .item:first-child { border-radius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0px 0px; } .ui.vertical.menu > .item:last-child { border-radius: 0px 0px @borderRadius @borderRadius; } /*--- Label ---*/ .ui.vertical.menu .item > .label { float: right; text-align: center; } /*--- Icon ---*/ .ui.vertical.menu .item > i.icon { width: @iconWidth; float: @verticalIconFloat; margin: @verticalIconMargin; } .ui.vertical.menu .item > .label + i.icon { float: @labelAndIconFloat; margin: @labelAndIconMargin; } /*--- Border ---*/ .ui.vertical.menu .item:before { position: absolute; content: ''; top: 0%; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: @dividerSize; background: @verticalDividerBackground; } .ui.vertical.menu .item:first-child:before { display: none !important; } /*--- Sub Menu ---*/ .ui.vertical.menu .item > .menu { margin: @subMenuMargin; } .ui.vertical.menu .menu .item { background: none; padding: @subMenuVerticalPadding @subMenuHorizontalPadding; font-size: @subMenuFontSize; color: @subMenuTextColor; } .ui.vertical.menu .item .menu a.item:hover, .ui.vertical.menu .item .menu .link.item:hover { color: @darkTextColor; } .ui.vertical.menu .menu .item:before { display: none; } /* Vertical Active */ .ui.vertical.menu .active.item { background: @activeItemBackground; border-radius: 0em; box-shadow: @verticalActiveBoxShadow; } .ui.vertical.menu > .active.item:first-child { border-radius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui.vertical.menu > .active.item:last-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius; } .ui.vertical.menu > .active.item:only-child { border-radius: @borderRadius; } .ui.vertical.menu .active.item .menu .active.item { border-left: none; } .ui.vertical.menu .item .menu .active.item { background-color: @subMenuActiveBackground; font-weight: @subMenuActiveFontWeight; color: @subMenuActiveTextColor; } /*-------------- Tabular ---------------*/ .ui.tabular.menu { border-radius: 0em; box-shadow: none !important; border: none; background: @tabularBackground; border-bottom: @tabularBorderWidth solid @tabularBorderColor; } .ui.tabular.fluid.menu { width: @tabularFluidWidth !important; } .ui.tabular.menu .item { background: transparent; border-bottom: none; border-left: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-right: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-top: @tabularOppositeBorderWidth solid transparent; padding: @tabularVerticalPadding @tabularHorizontalPadding; color: @tabularTextColor; } .ui.tabular.menu .item:before { display: none; } /* Hover */ .ui.tabular.menu .item:hover { background-color: transparent; color: @tabularHoveredTextColor; } /* Active */ .ui.tabular.menu .active.item { background: @tabularActiveBackground; color: @tabularActiveColor; border-top-width: @tabularBorderWidth; border-color: @tabularBorderColor; font-weight: @tabularActiveWeight; margin-bottom: -@tabularBorderWidth; box-shadow: @tabularActiveBoxShadow; border-radius: @tabularBorderRadius @tabularBorderRadius 0px 0px !important; } /* Coupling with segment for attachment */ .ui.tabular.menu + .attached:not(.top).segment, .ui.tabular.menu + .attached:not(.top).segment + .attached:not(.top).segment { border-top: none; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; width: 100%; } .top.attached.segment + .ui.bottom.tabular.menu { position: relative; width: @tabularFluidWidth; left: -@tabularFluidOffset; } /* Bottom Vertical Tabular */ .ui.bottom.tabular.menu { background: @tabularBackground; border-radius: 0em; box-shadow: none !important; border-bottom: none; border-top: @tabularBorderWidth solid @tabularBorderColor; } .ui.bottom.tabular.menu .item { background: none; border-left: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-right: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-bottom: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-top: none; } .ui.bottom.tabular.menu .active.item { background: @tabularActiveBackground; color: @tabularActiveColor; border-color: @tabularBorderColor; margin: -@tabularBorderWidth 0px 0px 0px; border-radius: 0px 0px @tabularBorderRadius @tabularBorderRadius !important; } /* Vertical Tabular (Left) */ .ui.vertical.tabular.menu { background: @tabularVerticalBackground; border-radius: 0em; box-shadow: none !important; border-bottom: none; border-right: @tabularBorderWidth solid @tabularBorderColor; } .ui.vertical.tabular.menu .item { background: none; border-left: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-bottom: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-top: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-right: none; } .ui.vertical.tabular.menu .active.item { background: @tabularActiveBackground; color: @tabularActiveColor; border-color: @tabularBorderColor; margin: 0px -@tabularBorderWidth 0px 0px; border-radius: @tabularBorderRadius 0px 0px @tabularBorderRadius !important; } /* Vertical Right Tabular */ .ui.vertical.right.tabular.menu { background: @tabularVerticalBackground; border-radius: 0em; box-shadow: none !important; border-bottom: none; border-right: none; border-left: @tabularBorderWidth solid @tabularBorderColor; } .ui.vertical.right.tabular.menu .item { background: none; border-right: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-bottom: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-top: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-left: none; } .ui.vertical.right.tabular.menu .active.item { background: @tabularActiveBackground; color: @tabularActiveColor; border-color: @tabularBorderColor; margin: 0px 0px 0px -@tabularBorderWidth; border-radius: 0px @tabularBorderRadius @tabularBorderRadius 0px !important; } /* Dropdown */ .ui.tabular.menu .active.dropdown.item { margin-bottom: 0px; border-left: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-right: @tabularBorderWidth solid transparent; border-top: @tabularOppositeBorderWidth solid transparent; border-bottom: none; } /*-------------- Pagination ---------------*/ .ui.pagination.menu { margin: 0em; display: inline-flex; vertical-align: middle; } .ui.pagination.menu .item:last-child { border-radius: 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em; } .ui.compact.menu .item:last-child { border-radius: 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em; } .ui.pagination.menu .item:last-child:before { display: none; } .ui.pagination.menu .item { min-width: @paginationMinWidth; text-align: center; } .ui.pagination.menu .icon.item i.icon { vertical-align: top; } /* Active */ .ui.pagination.menu .active.item { border-top: none; padding-top: @itemVerticalPadding; background-color: @paginationActiveBackground; color: @paginationActiveTextColor; box-shadow: none; } /*-------------- Secondary ---------------*/ .ui.secondary.menu { background: @secondaryBackground; margin-left: -@secondaryItemSpacing; margin-right: -@secondaryItemSpacing; border-radius: 0em; border: none; box-shadow: none; } /* Item */ .ui.secondary.menu .item { align-self: center; box-shadow: none; border: none; padding: @secondaryItemPadding; margin: @secondaryItemMargin; background: @secondaryItemBackground; transition: @secondaryItemTransition; border-radius: @secondaryItemBorderRadius; } /* No Divider */ .ui.secondary.menu .item:before { display: none !important; } /* Header */ .ui.secondary.menu .header.item { border-radius: 0em; border-right: @secondaryHeaderBorder; background: @secondaryHeaderBackground; } /* Image */ .ui.secondary.menu .item > img:not(.ui) { margin: 0em; } /* Hover */ .ui.secondary.menu .dropdown.item:hover, .ui.secondary.menu .link.item:hover, .ui.secondary.menu a.item:hover { background: @secondaryHoverItemBackground; color: @secondaryHoverItemColor; } /* Active */ .ui.secondary.menu .active.item { box-shadow: none; background: @secondaryActiveItemBackground; color: @secondaryActiveItemColor; border-radius: @secondaryItemBorderRadius; } /* Active Hover */ .ui.secondary.menu .active.item:hover { box-shadow: none; background: @secondaryActiveHoverItemBackground; color: @secondaryActiveHoverItemColor; } /* Inverted */ .ui.secondary.inverted.menu .link.item, .ui.secondary.inverted.menu a.item { color: @secondaryInvertedColor !important; } .ui.secondary.inverted.menu .dropdown.item:hover, .ui.secondary.inverted.menu .link.item:hover, .ui.secondary.inverted.menu a.item:hover { background: @secondaryInvertedHoverBackground; color: @secondaryInvertedHoverColor !important; } .ui.secondary.inverted.menu .active.item { background: @secondaryInvertedActiveBackground; color: @secondaryInvertedActiveColor !important; } /* Fix item margins */ .ui.secondary.item.menu { margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 0em; } .ui.secondary.item.menu .item:last-child { margin-right: 0em; } .ui.secondary.attached.menu { box-shadow: none; } /* Sub Menu */ .ui.vertical.secondary.menu .item:not(.dropdown) > .menu { margin: @secondaryMenuSubMenuMargin; } .ui.vertical.secondary.menu .item:not(.dropdown) > .menu > .item { margin: @secondaryMenuSubMenuItemMargin; padding: @secondaryMenuSubMenuItemPadding; } /*--------------------- Secondary Vertical -----------------------*/ .ui.secondary.vertical.menu > .item { border: none; margin: @secondaryVerticalItemMargin; border-radius: @secondaryVerticalItemBorderRadius !important; } .ui.secondary.vertical.menu > .header.item { border-radius: 0em; } /* Sub Menu */ .ui.vertical.secondary.menu .item > .menu .item { background-color: transparent; } /* Inverted */ .ui.secondary.inverted.menu { background-color: transparent; } /*--------------------- Secondary Pointing -----------------------*/ .ui.secondary.pointing.menu { margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 0em; border-bottom: @secondaryPointingBorderWidth solid @secondaryPointingBorderColor; } .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .item { border-bottom-color: transparent; border-bottom-style: solid; border-radius: 0em; align-self: flex-end; margin: 0em 0em -@secondaryPointingBorderWidth; padding: @secondaryPointingItemVerticalPadding @secondaryPointingItemHorizontalPadding; border-bottom-width: @secondaryPointingBorderWidth; transition: @secondaryItemTransition; } /* Item Types */ .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .header.item { color: @secondaryPointingHeaderColor !important; } .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .text.item { box-shadow: none !important; } .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .item:after { display: none; } /* Hover */ .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .dropdown.item:hover, .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .link.item:hover, .ui.secondary.pointing.menu a.item:hover { background-color: transparent; color: @secondaryPointingHoverTextColor; } /* Pressed */ .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .dropdown.item:active, .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .link.item:active, .ui.secondary.pointing.menu a.item:active { background-color: transparent; border-color: @secondaryPointingBorderColor; } /* Active */ .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .active.item { background-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; border-color: @secondaryPointingActiveBorderColor; font-weight: @secondaryPointingActiveFontWeight; color: @secondaryPointingActiveTextColor; } /* Active Hover */ .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .active.item:hover { border-color: @secondaryPointingActiveHoverBorderColor; color: @secondaryPointingActiveHoverTextColor; } /* Active Dropdown */ .ui.secondary.pointing.menu .active.dropdown.item { border-color: @secondaryPointingActiveDropdownBorderColor; } /* Vertical Pointing */ .ui.secondary.vertical.pointing.menu { border-bottom-width: 0px; border-right-width: @secondaryPointingBorderWidth; border-right-style: solid; border-right-color: @secondaryPointingBorderColor; } .ui.secondary.vertical.pointing.menu .item { border-bottom: none; border-right-style: solid; border-right-color: transparent; border-radius: 0em !important; margin: @secondaryVerticalPointingItemMargin; border-right-width: @secondaryPointingBorderWidth; } /* Vertical Active */ .ui.secondary.vertical.pointing.menu .active.item { border-color: @secondaryPointingActiveBorderColor; } /* Inverted */ .ui.secondary.inverted.pointing.menu { border-color: @secondaryPointingInvertedBorderColor; } .ui.secondary.inverted.pointing.menu { border-width: @secondaryPointingBorderWidth; border-color: @secondaryPointingBorderColor; } .ui.secondary.inverted.pointing.menu .item { color: @secondaryPointingInvertedItemTextColor; } .ui.secondary.inverted.pointing.menu .header.item { color: @secondaryPointingInvertedItemHeaderColor !important; } /* Hover */ .ui.secondary.inverted.pointing.menu .link.item:hover, .ui.secondary.inverted.pointing.menu a.item:hover { color: @secondaryPointingInvertedItemHoverTextColor; } /* Active */ .ui.secondary.inverted.pointing.menu .active.item { border-color: @secondaryPointingInvertedActiveBorderColor; color: @secondaryPointingInvertedActiveColor; } /*-------------- Text Menu ---------------*/ .ui.text.menu { background: none transparent; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; border: none; margin: @textMenuMargin; } .ui.text.menu .item { border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; align-self: center; margin: @textMenuItemMargin; padding: @textMenuItemPadding; font-weight: @textMenuItemFontWeight; color: @textMenuItemColor; transition: @textMenuItemTransition; } /* Border */ .ui.text.menu .item:before, .ui.text.menu .menu .item:before { display: none !important; } /* Header */ .ui.text.menu .header.item { background-color: transparent; opacity: 1; color: @textMenuHeaderColor; font-size: @textMenuHeaderSize; text-transform: @textMenuHeaderTextTransform; font-weight: @textMenuHeaderFontWeight; } /* Image */ .ui.text.menu .item > img:not(.ui) { margin: 0em; } /*--- fluid text ---*/ .ui.text.item.menu .item { margin: 0em; } /*--- vertical text ---*/ .ui.vertical.text.menu { margin: @textVerticalMenuMargin; } .ui.vertical.text.menu:first-child { margin-top: 0rem; } .ui.vertical.text.menu:last-child { margin-bottom: 0rem; } .ui.vertical.text.menu .item { margin: @textVerticalMenuItemMargin; padding-left: 0em; padding-right: 0em; } .ui.vertical.text.menu .item > i.icon { float: @textVerticalMenuIconFloat; margin: @iconMargin; } .ui.vertical.text.menu .header.item { margin: @textVerticalMenuHeaderMargin; } /* Vertical Sub Menu */ .ui.vertical.text.menu .item:not(.dropdown) > .menu { margin: @textMenuSubMenuMargin; } .ui.vertical.text.menu .item:not(.dropdown) > .menu > .item { margin: @textMenuSubMenuItemMargin; padding: @textMenuSubMenuItemPadding; } /*--- hover ---*/ .ui.text.menu .item:hover { opacity: 1; background-color: transparent; } /*--- active ---*/ .ui.text.menu .active.item { background-color: transparent; border: none; box-shadow: none; font-weight: @textMenuActiveItemFontWeight; color: @textMenuActiveItemColor; } /*--- active hover ---*/ .ui.text.menu .active.item:hover { background-color: transparent; } /* Disable Bariations */ .ui.text.pointing.menu .active.item:after { box-shadow: none; } .ui.text.attached.menu { box-shadow: none; } /* Inverted */ .ui.inverted.text.menu, .ui.inverted.text.menu .item, .ui.inverted.text.menu .item:hover, .ui.inverted.text.menu .active.item { background-color: transparent !important; } /* Fluid */ .ui.fluid.text.menu { margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 0em; } /*-------------- Icon Only ---------------*/ /* Vertical Menu */ .ui.vertical.icon.menu { display: inline-block; width: auto; } /* Item */ .ui.icon.menu .item { height: auto; text-align: @iconMenuTextAlign; color: @iconMenuItemColor; } /* Icon */ .ui.icon.menu .item > .icon:not(.dropdown) { margin: 0; opacity: 1; } /* Icon Gylph */ .ui.icon.menu .icon:before { opacity: 1; } /* (x) Item Icon */ .ui.menu .icon.item > .icon { width: auto; margin: 0em auto; } /* Vertical Icon */ .ui.vertical.icon.menu .item > .icon:not(.dropdown) { display: block; opacity: 1; margin: 0em auto; float: none; } /* Inverted */ .ui.inverted.icon.menu .item { color: @iconMenuInvertedItemColor; } /*-------------- Labeled Icon ---------------*/ /* Menu */ .ui.labeled.icon.menu { text-align: center; } /* Item */ .ui.labeled.icon.menu .item { min-width: @labeledIconMinWidth; flex-direction: column; } /* Icon */ .ui.labeled.icon.menu .item > .icon:not(.dropdown) { height: 1em; display: block; font-size: @labeledIconSize !important; margin: 0em auto @labeledIconTextMargin !important; } /* Fluid */ .ui.fluid.labeled.icon.menu > .item { min-width: 0em; } /******************************* Variations *******************************/ /*-------------- Stackable ---------------*/ @media only screen and (max-width: @largestMobileScreen) { .ui.stackable.menu { flex-direction: column; } .ui.stackable.menu .item { width: 100% !important; } .ui.stackable.menu .item:before { position: absolute; content: ''; top: auto; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: @dividerSize; background: @verticalDividerBackground; } .ui.stackable.menu .left.menu, .ui.stackable.menu .left.item { margin-right: 0 !important; } .ui.stackable.menu .right.menu, .ui.stackable.menu .right.item { margin-left: 0 !important; } .ui.stackable.menu .right.menu, .ui.stackable.menu .left.menu { flex-direction: column; } } /*-------------- Colors ---------------*/ /*--- Standard Colors ---*/ .ui.menu .red.active.item, .ui.red.menu .active.item { border-color: @red !important; color: @red !important; } .ui.menu .orange.active.item, .ui.orange.menu .active.item { border-color: @orange !important; color: @orange !important; } .ui.menu .yellow.active.item, .ui.yellow.menu .active.item { border-color: @yellow !important; color: @yellow !important; } .ui.menu .olive.active.item, .ui.olive.menu .active.item { border-color: @olive !important; color: @olive !important; } .ui.menu .green.active.item, .ui.green.menu .active.item { border-color: @green !important; color: @green !important; } .ui.menu .teal.active.item, .ui.teal.menu .active.item { border-color: @teal !important; color: @teal !important; } .ui.menu .blue.active.item, .ui.blue.menu .active.item { border-color: @blue !important; color: @blue !important; } .ui.menu .violet.active.item, .ui.violet.menu .active.item { border-color: @violet !important; color: @violet !important; } .ui.menu .purple.active.item, .ui.purple.menu .active.item { border-color: @purple !important; color: @purple !important; } .ui.menu .pink.active.item, .ui.pink.menu .active.item { border-color: @pink !important; color: @pink !important; } .ui.menu .brown.active.item, .ui.brown.menu .active.item { border-color: @brown !important; color: @brown !important; } .ui.menu .grey.active.item, .ui.grey.menu .active.item { border-color: @grey !important; color: @grey !important; } /*-------------- Inverted ---------------*/ .ui.inverted.menu { border: @invertedBorder; background: @invertedBackground; box-shadow: @invertedBoxShadow; } /* Menu Item */ .ui.inverted.menu .item, .ui.inverted.menu .item > a:not(.ui) { background: @invertedItemBackground; color: @invertedItemTextColor; } .ui.inverted.menu .item.menu { background: @invertedSubMenuBackground; } /*--- Border ---*/ .ui.inverted.menu .item:before { background: @invertedDividerBackground; } .ui.vertical.inverted.menu .item:before { background: @invertedVerticalDividerBackground; } /* Sub Menu */ .ui.vertical.inverted.menu .menu .item, .ui.vertical.inverted.menu .menu .item a:not(.ui) { color: @invertedSubMenuColor; } /* Header */ .ui.inverted.menu .header.item { margin: 0em; background: @invertedHeaderBackground; box-shadow: none; } /* Disabled */ .ui.inverted.menu .item.disabled, .ui.inverted.menu .item.disabled:hover { color: @invertedDisabledTextColor; } /*--- Hover ---*/ .ui.link.inverted.menu .item:hover, .ui.inverted.menu .dropdown.item:hover, .ui.inverted.menu .link.item:hover, .ui.inverted.menu a.item:hover { background: @invertedHoverBackground; color: @invertedHoverColor; } .ui.vertical.inverted.menu .item .menu a.item:hover, .ui.vertical.inverted.menu .item .menu .link.item:hover { background: @invertedSubMenuBackground; color: @invertedSubMenuHoverColor; } /*--- Pressed ---*/ .ui.inverted.menu a.item:active, .ui.inverted.menu .link.item:active{ background: @invertedMenuPressedBackground; color: @invertedMenuPressedColor; } /*--- Active ---*/ .ui.inverted.menu .active.item { background: @invertedActiveBackground; color: @invertedActiveColor !important; } .ui.inverted.vertical.menu .item .menu .active.item { background: @invertedSubMenuActiveBackground; color: @invertedSubMenuActiveColor; } .ui.inverted.pointing.menu .active.item:after { background: @invertedArrowActiveColor !important; margin: 0em !important; box-shadow: none !important; border: none !important; } /*--- Active Hover ---*/ .ui.inverted.menu .active.item:hover { background: @invertedActiveHoverBackground; color: @invertedActiveHoverColor !important; } .ui.inverted.pointing.menu .active.item:hover:after { background: @invertedArrowActiveHoverColor !important; } /*-------------- Floated ---------------*/ .ui.floated.menu { float: left; margin: 0rem @floatedDistance 0rem 0rem; } .ui.floated.menu .item:last-child:before { display: none; } .ui.right.floated.menu { float: right; margin: 0rem 0rem 0rem @floatedDistance; } /*-------------- Inverted ---------------*/ /* Red */ .ui.inverted.menu .red.active.item, .ui.inverted.red.menu { background-color: @red; } .ui.inverted.red.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.red.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Orange */ .ui.inverted.menu .orange.active.item, .ui.inverted.orange.menu { background-color: @orange; } .ui.inverted.orange.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.orange.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Yellow */ .ui.inverted.menu .yellow.active.item, .ui.inverted.yellow.menu { background-color: @yellow; } .ui.inverted.yellow.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.yellow.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Olive */ .ui.inverted.menu .olive.active.item, .ui.inverted.olive.menu { background-color: @olive; } .ui.inverted.olive.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.olive.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Green */ .ui.inverted.menu .green.active.item, .ui.inverted.green.menu { background-color: @green; } .ui.inverted.green.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.green.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Teal */ .ui.inverted.menu .teal.active.item, .ui.inverted.teal.menu { background-color: @teal; } .ui.inverted.teal.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.teal.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Blue */ .ui.inverted.menu .blue.active.item, .ui.inverted.blue.menu { background-color: @blue; } .ui.inverted.blue.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.blue.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Violet */ .ui.inverted.menu .violet.active.item, .ui.inverted.violet.menu { background-color: @violet; } .ui.inverted.violet.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.violet.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Purple */ .ui.inverted.menu .purple.active.item, .ui.inverted.purple.menu { background-color: @purple; } .ui.inverted.purple.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.purple.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Pink */ .ui.inverted.menu .pink.active.item, .ui.inverted.pink.menu { background-color: @pink; } .ui.inverted.pink.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.pink.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Brown */ .ui.inverted.menu .brown.active.item, .ui.inverted.brown.menu { background-color: @brown; } .ui.inverted.brown.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.brown.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /* Grey */ .ui.inverted.menu .grey.active.item, .ui.inverted.grey.menu { background-color: @grey; } .ui.inverted.grey.menu .item:before { background-color: @invertedColoredDividerBackground; } .ui.inverted.grey.menu .active.item { background-color: @invertedColoredActiveBackground !important; } /*-------------- Fitted ---------------*/ .ui.fitted.menu .item, .ui.fitted.menu .item .menu .item, .ui.menu .fitted.item { padding: 0em; } .ui.horizontally.fitted.menu .item, .ui.horizontally.fitted.menu .item .menu .item, .ui.menu .horizontally.fitted.item { padding-top: @itemVerticalPadding; padding-bottom: @itemVerticalPadding; } .ui.vertically.fitted.menu .item, .ui.vertically.fitted.menu .item .menu .item, .ui.menu .vertically.fitted.item { padding-left: @itemHorizontalPadding; padding-right: @itemHorizontalPadding; } /*-------------- Borderless ---------------*/ .ui.borderless.menu .item:before, .ui.borderless.menu .item .menu .item:before, .ui.menu .borderless.item:before { background: none !important; } /*------------------- Compact --------------------*/ .ui.compact.menu { display: inline-flex; margin: 0em; vertical-align: middle; } .ui.compact.vertical.menu { display: inline-block; } .ui.compact.menu .item:last-child { border-radius: 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em; } .ui.compact.menu .item:last-child:before { display: none; } .ui.compact.vertical.menu { width: auto !important; } .ui.compact.vertical.menu .item:last-child::before { display: block; } /*------------------- Fluid --------------------*/ .ui.menu.fluid, .ui.vertical.menu.fluid { width: 100% !important; } /*------------------- Evenly Sized --------------------*/ .ui.item.menu, .ui.item.menu .item { width: 100%; padding-left: 0em !important; padding-right: 0em !important; margin-left: 0em !important; margin-right: 0em !important; text-align: center; justify-content: center; } .ui.attached.item.menu { margin: 0em @attachedHorizontalOffset !important; } .ui.item.menu .item:last-child:before { display: none; } .ui.menu.two.item .item { width: 50%; } .ui.menu.three.item .item { width: 33.333%; } .ui.menu.four.item .item { width: 25%; } .ui.menu.five.item .item { width: 20%; } .ui.menu.six.item .item { width: 16.666%; } .ui.menu.seven.item .item { width: 14.285%; } .ui.menu.eight.item .item { width: 12.500%; } .ui.menu.nine.item .item { width: 11.11%; } .ui.menu.ten.item .item { width: 10.0%; } .ui.menu.eleven.item .item { width: 9.09%; } .ui.menu.twelve.item .item { width: 8.333%; } /*-------------- Fixed ---------------*/ .ui.menu.fixed { position: fixed; z-index: 101; margin: 0em; width: 100%; } .ui.menu.fixed, .ui.menu.fixed .item:first-child, .ui.menu.fixed .item:last-child { border-radius: 0px !important; } .ui.fixed.menu, .ui[class*="top fixed"].menu { top: 0px; left: 0px; right: auto; bottom: auto; } .ui[class*="top fixed"].menu { border-top: none; border-left: none; border-right: none; } .ui[class*="right fixed"].menu { border-top: none; border-bottom: none; border-right: none; top: 0px; right: 0px; left: auto; bottom: auto; width: auto; height: 100%; } .ui[class*="bottom fixed"].menu { border-bottom: none; border-left: none; border-right: none; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; top: auto; right: auto; } .ui[class*="left fixed"].menu { border-top: none; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: auto; bottom: auto; width: auto; height: 100%; } /* Coupling with Grid */ .ui.fixed.menu + .ui.grid { padding-top: @fixedPrecedingGridMargin; } /*------------------- Pointing --------------------*/ .ui.pointing.menu .item:after { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; content: ''; top: 100%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(45deg); background: none; margin: (@arrowBorderWidth / 2) 0em 0em; width: @arrowSize; height: @arrowSize; border: none; border-bottom: @arrowBorder; border-right: @arrowBorder; z-index: @arrowZIndex; transition: @arrowTransition; } .ui.vertical.pointing.menu .item:after { position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 0%; bottom: auto; left: auto; transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(45deg); margin: 0em -(@arrowBorderWidth / 2) 0em 0em; border: none; border-top: @arrowBorder; border-right: @arrowBorder; } /* Active */ .ui.pointing.menu .active.item:after { visibility: visible; } .ui.pointing.menu .active.dropdown.item:after { visibility: hidden; } /* Don't double up pointers */ .ui.pointing.menu .dropdown.active.item:after, .ui.pointing.menu .active.item .menu .active.item:after { display: none; } /* Colors */ .ui.pointing.menu .active.item:hover:after { background-color: @arrowHoverColor; } .ui.pointing.menu .active.item:after { background-color: @arrowActiveColor; } .ui.pointing.menu .active.item:hover:after { background-color: @arrowActiveHoverColor; } .ui.vertical.pointing.menu .active.item:hover:after { background-color: @arrowVerticalHoverColor; } .ui.vertical.pointing.menu .active.item:after { background-color: @arrowVerticalActiveColor; } .ui.vertical.pointing.menu .menu .active.item:after { background-color: @arrowVerticalSubMenuColor; } /*-------------- Attached ---------------*/ /* Middle */ .ui.attached.menu { top: 0px; bottom: 0px; border-radius: 0px; margin: 0em @attachedHorizontalOffset; width: @attachedWidth; max-width: @attachedWidth; box-shadow: @attachedBoxShadow; } .ui.attached + .ui.attached.menu:not(.top) { border-top: none; } /* Top */ .ui[class*="top attached"].menu { bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0em; top: @attachedTopOffset; margin-top: @verticalMargin; border-radius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui.menu[class*="top attached"]:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } /* Bottom */ .ui[class*="bottom attached"].menu { bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0em; top: @attachedBottomOffset; margin-bottom: @verticalMargin; box-shadow: @attachedBottomBoxShadow; border-radius: 0em 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius; } .ui[class*="bottom attached"].menu:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } /* Attached Menu Item */ .ui.top.attached.menu > .item:first-child { border-radius: @borderRadius 0em 0em 0em; } .ui.bottom.attached.menu > .item:first-child { border-radius: 0em 0em 0em @borderRadius; } /* Tabular Attached */ .ui.attached.menu:not(.tabular) { border: @attachedBorder; } .ui.attached.inverted.menu { border: none; } .ui.attached.tabular.menu { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; width: 100%; } /*-------------- Sizes ---------------*/ /* Mini */ .ui.mini.menu { font-size: @mini; } .ui.mini.vertical.menu { width: @miniWidth; } /* Tiny */ .ui.tiny.menu { font-size: @tiny; } .ui.tiny.vertical.menu { width: @tinyWidth; } /* Small */ .ui.small.menu { font-size: @small; } .ui.small.vertical.menu { width: @smallWidth; } /* Medium */ .ui.menu { font-size: @medium; } .ui.vertical.menu { width: @mediumWidth; } /* Large */ .ui.large.menu { font-size: @large; } .ui.large.vertical.menu { width: @largeWidth; } /* Huge */ .ui.huge.menu { font-size: @huge; } .ui.huge.vertical.menu { width: @hugeWidth; } /* Big */ .ui.big.menu { font-size: @big; } .ui.big.vertical.menu { width: @bigWidth; } /* Massive */ .ui.massive.menu { font-size: @massive; } .ui.massive.vertical.menu { width: @massiveWidth; } .loadUIOverrides();