/*! * # Semantic UI - Item * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ /******************************* Theme *******************************/ @type : 'view'; @element : 'item'; @import (multiple) '../../theme.config'; /******************************* Standard *******************************/ /*-------------- Item ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item { display: @display; margin: @itemSpacing 0em; width: @width; min-height: @minHeight; background: @background; padding: @padding; border: @border; border-radius: @borderRadius; box-shadow: @boxShadow; transition: @transition; z-index: @zIndex; } .ui.items > .item a { cursor: pointer; } /*-------------- Items ---------------*/ .ui.items { margin: @groupMargin; } .ui.items:first-child { margin-top: 0em !important; } .ui.items:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em !important; } /*-------------- Item ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item:after { display: block; content: ' '; height: 0px; clear: both; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; } .ui.items > .item:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } .ui.items > .item:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } /*-------------- Images ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item > .image { position: relative; flex: 0 0 auto; display: @imageDisplay; float: @imageFloat; margin: @imageMargin; padding: @imagePadding; max-height: @imageMaxHeight; align-self: @imageVerticalAlign; } .ui.items > .item > .image > img { display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; border-radius: @imageBorderRadius; border: @imageBorder; } .ui.items > .item > .image:only-child > img { border-radius: @borderRadius; } /*-------------- Content ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item > .content { display: block; flex: 1 1 auto; background: @contentBackground; margin: @contentMargin; padding: @contentPadding; box-shadow: @contentBoxShadow; font-size: @contentFontSize; border: @contentBorder; border-radius: @contentBorderRadius; } .ui.items > .item > .content:after { display: block; content: ' '; height: 0px; clear: both; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; } .ui.items > .item > .image + .content { min-width: 0; width: @contentWidth; display: @contentDisplay; margin-left: @contentOffset; align-self: @contentVerticalAlign; padding-left: @contentImageDistance; } .ui.items > .item > .content > .header { display: inline-block; margin: @headerMargin; font-family: @headerFont; font-weight: @headerFontWeight; color: @headerColor; } /* Default Header Size */ .ui.items > .item > .content > .header:not(.ui) { font-size: @headerFontSize; } /*-------------- Floated ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item [class*="left floated"] { float: left; } .ui.items > .item [class*="right floated"] { float: right; } /*-------------- Content Image ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item .content img { align-self: @contentImageVerticalAlign; width: @contentImageWidth; } .ui.items > .item img.avatar, .ui.items > .item .avatar img { width: @avatarSize; height: @avatarSize; border-radius: @avatarBorderRadius; } /*-------------- Description ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item > .content > .description { margin-top: @descriptionDistance; max-width: @descriptionMaxWidth; font-size: @descriptionFontSize; line-height: @descriptionLineHeight; color: @descriptionColor; } /*-------------- Paragraph ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item > .content p { margin: 0em 0em @paragraphDistance; } .ui.items > .item > .content p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } /*-------------- Meta ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item .meta { margin: @metaMargin; font-size: @metaFontSize; line-height: @metaLineHeight; color: @metaColor; } .ui.items > .item .meta * { margin-right: @metaSpacing; } .ui.items > .item .meta :last-child { margin-right: 0em; } .ui.items > .item .meta [class*="right floated"] { margin-right: 0em; margin-left: @metaSpacing; } /*-------------- Links ---------------*/ /* Generic */ .ui.items > .item > .content a:not(.ui) { color: @contentLinkColor; transition: @contentLinkTransition; } .ui.items > .item > .content a:not(.ui):hover { color: @contentLinkHoverColor; } /* Header */ .ui.items > .item > .content > a.header { color: @headerLinkColor; } .ui.items > .item > .content > a.header:hover { color: @headerLinkHoverColor; } /* Meta */ .ui.items > .item .meta > a:not(.ui) { color: @metaLinkColor; } .ui.items > .item .meta > a:not(.ui):hover { color: @metaLinkHoverColor; } /*-------------- Labels ---------------*/ /*-----Star----- */ /* Icon */ .ui.items > .item > .content .favorite.icon { cursor: pointer; opacity: @actionOpacity; transition: @actionTransition; } .ui.items > .item > .content .favorite.icon:hover { opacity: @actionHoverOpacity; color: @favoriteColor; } .ui.items > .item > .content .active.favorite.icon { color: @favoriteActiveColor; } /*-----Like----- */ /* Icon */ .ui.items > .item > .content .like.icon { cursor: pointer; opacity: @actionOpacity; transition: @actionTransition; } .ui.items > .item > .content .like.icon:hover { opacity: @actionHoverOpacity; color: @likeColor; } .ui.items > .item > .content .active.like.icon { color: @likeActiveColor; } /*---------------- Extra Content -----------------*/ .ui.items > .item .extra { display: @extraDisplay; position: @extraPosition; background: @extraBackground; margin: @extraMargin; width: @extraWidth; padding: @extraPadding; top: @extraTop; left: @extraLeft; color: @extraColor; box-shadow: @extraBoxShadow; transition: @extraTransition; border-top: @extraDivider; } .ui.items > .item .extra > * { margin: (@extraRowSpacing / 2) @extraHorizontalSpacing (@extraRowSpacing / 2) 0em; } .ui.items > .item .extra > [class*="right floated"] { margin: (@extraRowSpacing / 2) 0em (@extraRowSpacing / 2) @extraHorizontalSpacing; } .ui.items > .item .extra:after { display: block; content: ' '; height: 0px; clear: both; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; } /******************************* Responsive *******************************/ /* Default Image Width */ .ui.items > .item > .image:not(.ui) { width: @imageWidth; } /* Tablet Only */ @media only screen and (min-width: @tabletBreakpoint) and (max-width: @largestTabletScreen) { .ui.items > .item { margin: @tabletItemSpacing 0em; } .ui.items > .item > .image:not(.ui) { width: @tabletImageWidth; } .ui.items > .item > .image + .content { display: block; padding: 0em 0em 0em @tabletContentImageDistance; } } /* Mobile Only */ @media only screen and (max-width: @largestMobileScreen) { .ui.items:not(.unstackable) > .item { flex-direction: column; margin: @mobileItemSpacing 0em; } .ui.items:not(.unstackable) > .item > .image { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .ui.items:not(.unstackable) > .item > .image, .ui.items:not(.unstackable) > .item > .image > img { max-width: 100% !important; width: @mobileImageWidth !important; max-height: @mobileImageMaxHeight !important; } .ui.items:not(.unstackable) > .item > .image + .content { display: block; padding: @mobileContentImageDistance 0em 0em; } } /******************************* Variations *******************************/ /*------------------- Aligned --------------------*/ .ui.items > .item > .image + [class*="top aligned"].content { align-self: flex-start; } .ui.items > .item > .image + [class*="middle aligned"].content { align-self: center; } .ui.items > .item > .image + [class*="bottom aligned"].content { align-self: flex-end; } /*-------------- Relaxed ---------------*/ .ui.relaxed.items > .item { margin: @relaxedItemSpacing 0em; } .ui[class*="very relaxed"].items > .item { margin: @veryRelaxedItemSpacing 0em; } /*------------------- Divided --------------------*/ .ui.divided.items > .item { border-top: @dividedBorder; margin: @dividedMargin; padding: @dividedPadding; } .ui.divided.items > .item:first-child { border-top: none; margin-top: @dividedFirstLastMargin !important; padding-top: @dividedFirstLastPadding !important; } .ui.divided.items > .item:last-child { margin-bottom: @dividedFirstLastMargin !important; padding-bottom: @dividedFirstLastPadding !important; } /* Relaxed Divided */ .ui.relaxed.divided.items > .item { margin: 0em; padding: @relaxedItemSpacing 0em; } .ui[class*="very relaxed"].divided.items > .item { margin: 0em; padding: @veryRelaxedItemSpacing 0em; } /*------------------- Link --------------------*/ .ui.items a.item:hover, .ui.link.items > .item:hover { cursor: pointer; } .ui.items a.item:hover .content .header, .ui.link.items > .item:hover .content .header { color: @headerLinkHoverColor; } /*-------------- Size ---------------*/ .ui.items > .item { font-size: @relativeMedium; } /*--------------- Unstackable ----------------*/ @media only screen and (max-width: @largestMobileScreen) { .ui.unstackable.items > .item > .image, .ui.unstackable.items > .item > .image > img { width: @unstackableMobileImageWidth !important; } } .loadUIOverrides();