# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class ProjectCopyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :projects, :trackers, :issue_statuses, :issues, :journals, :journal_details, :enumerations, :users, :issue_categories, :projects_trackers, :custom_fields, :custom_fields_projects, :custom_fields_trackers, :custom_values, :roles, :member_roles, :members, :enabled_modules, :versions, :wikis, :wiki_pages, :wiki_contents, :wiki_content_versions, :groups_users, :boards, :messages, :repositories, :news, :comments, :documents def setup ProjectCustomField.destroy_all @source_project = Project.find(2) @project = Project.new(:name => 'Copy Test', :identifier => 'copy-test') @project.trackers = @source_project.trackers @project.enabled_module_names = @source_project.enabled_modules.collect(&:name) end def test_copy_should_return_false_if_save_fails project = Project.new(:name => 'Copy', :identifier => nil) assert_equal false, project.copy(@source_project) end test "#copy should copy issues" do @source_project.issues << Issue.generate!(:status => IssueStatus.find_by_name('Closed'), :subject => "copy issue status", :tracker_id => 1, :assigned_to_id => 2, :project_id => @source_project.id) assert @project.valid? assert @project.issues.empty? assert @project.copy(@source_project) assert_equal @source_project.issues.size, @project.issues.size @project.issues.each do |issue| assert issue.valid? assert ! issue.assigned_to.blank? assert_equal @project, issue.project end copied_issue = @project.issues.where(:subject => "copy issue status").first assert copied_issue assert copied_issue.status assert_equal "Closed", copied_issue.status.name end test "#copy should copy issues custom values" do field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:is_for_all => true, :trackers => Tracker.all) issue = Issue.generate!(:project => @source_project, :subject => 'Custom field copy') issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => 'custom'} issue.save! assert_equal 'custom', issue.reload.custom_field_value(field) assert @project.copy(@source_project) copy = @project.issues.find_by_subject('Custom field copy') assert copy assert_equal 'custom', copy.reload.custom_field_value(field) end test "#copy should copy issues assigned to a locked version" do User.current = User.find(1) assigned_version = Version.generate!(:name => "Assigned Issues") @source_project.versions << assigned_version Issue.generate!(:project => @source_project, :fixed_version_id => assigned_version.id, :subject => "copy issues assigned to a locked version") assigned_version.update_attribute :status, 'locked' assert @project.copy(@source_project) @project.reload copied_issue = @project.issues.where(:subject => "copy issues assigned to a locked version").first assert copied_issue assert copied_issue.fixed_version assert_equal "Assigned Issues", copied_issue.fixed_version.name # Same name assert_equal 'locked', copied_issue.fixed_version.status end test "#copy should change the new issues to use the copied version" do User.current = User.find(1) assigned_version = Version.generate!(:name => "Assigned Issues", :status => 'open') @source_project.versions << assigned_version assert_equal 3, @source_project.versions.size Issue.generate!(:project => @source_project, :fixed_version_id => assigned_version.id, :subject => "change the new issues to use the copied version") assert @project.copy(@source_project) @project.reload copied_issue = @project.issues.where(:subject => "change the new issues to use the copied version").first assert copied_issue assert copied_issue.fixed_version assert_equal "Assigned Issues", copied_issue.fixed_version.name # Same name assert_not_equal assigned_version.id, copied_issue.fixed_version.id # Different record end test "#copy should keep target shared versions from other project" do assigned_version = Version.generate!(:name => "Assigned Issues", :status => 'open', :project_id => 1, :sharing => 'system') issue = Issue.generate!(:project => @source_project, :fixed_version => assigned_version, :subject => "keep target shared versions") assert @project.copy(@source_project) @project.reload copied_issue = @project.issues.where(:subject => "keep target shared versions").first assert copied_issue assert_equal assigned_version, copied_issue.fixed_version end def test_copy_issues_should_reassign_version_custom_fields_to_copied_versions User.current = User.find(1) CustomField.delete_all field = IssueCustomField.generate!(:field_format => 'version', :is_for_all => true, :trackers => Tracker.all) source_project = Project.generate!(:trackers => Tracker.all) source_version = Version.generate!(:project => source_project) source_issue = Issue.generate!(:project => source_project) do |issue| issue.custom_field_values = {field.id.to_s => source_version.id.to_s} end assert_equal source_version.id.to_s, source_issue.custom_field_value(field) project = Project.new(:name => 'Copy Test', :identifier => 'copy-test', :trackers => Tracker.all) assert project.copy(source_project) assert_equal 1, project.issues.count issue = project.issues.first assert_equal 1, project.versions.count version = project.versions.first assert_equal version.id.to_s, issue.custom_field_value(field) end test "#copy should copy issue relations" do Setting.cross_project_issue_relations = '1' second_issue = Issue.generate!(:status_id => 5, :subject => "copy issue relation", :tracker_id => 1, :assigned_to_id => 2, :project_id => @source_project.id) source_relation = IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(4), :issue_to => second_issue, :relation_type => "relates") source_relation_cross_project = IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(1), :issue_to => second_issue, :relation_type => "duplicates") assert @project.copy(@source_project) assert_equal @source_project.issues.count, @project.issues.count copied_issue = @project.issues.find_by_subject("Issue on project 2") # Was #4 copied_second_issue = @project.issues.find_by_subject("copy issue relation") # First issue with a relation on project assert_equal 1, copied_issue.relations.size, "Relation not copied" copied_relation = copied_issue.relations.first assert_equal "relates", copied_relation.relation_type assert_equal copied_second_issue.id, copied_relation.issue_to_id assert_not_equal source_relation.id, copied_relation.id # Second issue with a cross project relation assert_equal 2, copied_second_issue.relations.size, "Relation not copied" copied_relation = copied_second_issue.relations.select {|r| r.relation_type == 'duplicates'}.first assert_equal "duplicates", copied_relation.relation_type assert_equal 1, copied_relation.issue_from_id, "Cross project relation not kept" assert_not_equal source_relation_cross_project.id, copied_relation.id end test "#copy should copy issue attachments" do issue = Issue.generate!(:subject => "copy with attachment", :tracker_id => 1, :project_id => @source_project.id) Attachment.create!(:container => issue, :file => uploaded_test_file("testfile.txt", "text/plain"), :author_id => 1) @source_project.issues << issue assert @project.copy(@source_project) copied_issue = @project.issues.where(:subject => "copy with attachment").first assert_not_nil copied_issue assert_equal 1, copied_issue.attachments.count, "Attachment not copied" assert_equal "testfile.txt", copied_issue.attachments.first.filename end test "#copy should copy memberships" do assert @project.valid? assert @project.members.empty? assert @project.copy(@source_project) assert_equal @source_project.memberships.size, @project.memberships.size @project.memberships.each do |membership| assert membership assert_equal @project, membership.project end end test "#copy should copy memberships with groups and additional roles" do group = Group.create!(:lastname => "Copy group") user = User.find(7) group.users << user # group role Member.create!(:project_id => @source_project.id, :principal => group, :role_ids => [2]) member = Member.find_by_user_id_and_project_id(user.id, @source_project.id) # additional role member.role_ids = [1] assert @project.copy(@source_project) member = Member.find_by_user_id_and_project_id(user.id, @project.id) assert_not_nil member assert_equal [1, 2], member.role_ids.sort end def test_copy_should_copy_project_specific_issue_queries source = Project.generate! target = Project.new(:name => 'Copy Test', :identifier => 'copy-test') IssueQuery.generate!(:project => source, :user => User.find(2)) assert target.copy(source) assert_equal 1, target.queries.size query = target.queries.first assert_kind_of IssueQuery, query assert_equal 2, query.user_id end def test_copy_should_copy_project_specific_time_entry_queries source = Project.generate! target = Project.new(:name => 'Copy Test', :identifier => 'copy-test') TimeEntryQuery.generate!(:project => source, :user => User.find(2)) assert target.copy(source) assert_equal 1, target.queries.size query = target.queries.first assert_kind_of TimeEntryQuery, query assert_equal 2, query.user_id end def test_copy_should_copy_queries_roles_visibility source = Project.generate! target = Project.new(:name => 'Copy Test', :identifier => 'copy-test') IssueQuery.generate!(:project => source, :visibility => Query::VISIBILITY_ROLES, :roles => Role.where(:id => [1, 3]).to_a) assert target.copy(source) assert_equal 1, target.queries.size query = target.queries.first assert_equal [1, 3], query.role_ids.sort end test "#copy should copy versions" do @source_project.versions << Version.generate! @source_project.versions << Version.generate! assert @project.versions.empty? assert @project.copy(@source_project) assert_equal @source_project.versions.size, @project.versions.size @project.versions.each do |version| assert version assert_equal @project, version.project end end test "#copy should copy wiki" do assert_difference 'Wiki.count' do assert @project.copy(@source_project) end assert @project.wiki assert_not_equal @source_project.wiki, @project.wiki assert_equal "Start page", @project.wiki.start_page end test "#copy should copy wiki without wiki module" do project = Project.new(:name => 'Copy Test', :identifier => 'copy-test', :enabled_module_names => []) assert_difference 'Wiki.count' do assert project.copy(@source_project) end assert project.wiki end test "#copy should copy wiki pages and content with hierarchy" do assert_difference 'WikiPage.count', @source_project.wiki.pages.size do assert @project.copy(@source_project) end assert @project.wiki assert_equal @source_project.wiki.pages.size, @project.wiki.pages.size @project.wiki.pages.each do |wiki_page| assert wiki_page.content assert !@source_project.wiki.pages.include?(wiki_page) end parent = @project.wiki.find_page('Parent_page') child1 = @project.wiki.find_page('Child_page_1') child2 = @project.wiki.find_page('Child_page_2') assert_equal parent, child1.parent assert_equal parent, child2.parent end test "#copy should copy issue categories" do assert @project.copy(@source_project) assert_equal 2, @project.issue_categories.size @project.issue_categories.each do |issue_category| assert !@source_project.issue_categories.include?(issue_category) end end test "#copy should copy boards" do assert @project.copy(@source_project) assert_equal 1, @project.boards.size @project.boards.each do |board| assert !@source_project.boards.include?(board) end end test "#copy should change the new issues to use the copied issue categories" do issue = Issue.find(4) issue.update_attribute(:category_id, 3) assert @project.copy(@source_project) @project.issues.each do |issue| assert issue.category assert_equal "Stock management", issue.category.name # Same name assert_not_equal IssueCategory.find(3), issue.category # Different record end end test "#copy should limit copy with :only option" do assert @project.members.empty? assert @project.issue_categories.empty? assert @source_project.issues.any? assert @project.copy(@source_project, :only => ['members', 'issue_categories']) assert @project.members.any? assert @project.issue_categories.any? assert @project.issues.empty? end test "#copy should copy subtasks" do source = Project.generate!(:tracker_ids => [1]) issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants!(:project => source) project = Project.new(:name => 'Copy', :identifier => 'copy', :tracker_ids => [1]) assert_difference 'Project.count' do assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1+issue.descendants.count do assert project.copy(source.reload) end end copy = Issue.where(:parent_id => nil).order("id DESC").first assert_equal project, copy.project assert_equal issue.descendants.count, copy.descendants.count child_copy = copy.children.detect {|c| c.subject == 'Child1'} assert child_copy.descendants.any? end end