Environment Tests

The following tests have been run to determine if Kohana will work in your environment. If any of the tests have failed, consult the documentation for more information on how to correct the problem.

PHP Version Kohana requires PHP 5.3.3 or newer, this version is 5.3.1.
System Directory C:\xampp\htdocs\ron_531\system\
Application Directory C:\xampp\htdocs\ron_531\application\
Cache Directory C:\xampp\htdocs\ron_531\application\cache/
Logs Directory C:\xampp\htdocs\ron_531\application\logs/
SPL Enabled Pass
Reflection Enabled Pass
Filters Enabled Pass
Iconv Extension Loaded Pass
Mbstring Not Overloaded Pass
Character Type (CTYPE) Extension Pass
URI Determination Pass

✘ Kohana may not work correctly with your environment.

Optional Tests

The following extensions are not required to run the Kohana core, but if enabled can provide access to additional classes.

PECL HTTP Enabled Kohana can use the http extension for the Request_Client_External class.
cURL Enabled Pass
mcrypt Enabled Pass
GD Enabled Pass
MySQL Enabled Pass
PDO Enabled Pass